Five9 Analyst Summit - My Quick Take

Virtual events with analysts are tricky to plan, especially for pacing out the program. Over the last year, vendors have tried all kinds of formats, but it seems clear that the best approach is to do it in manageable chunks of time. Nobody is going to sit through a day-long marathon of video streaming - it’s just too intense, and too easy for folks to wander off.

Over the past threee days, I’ve been tracking the Five9 Analyst Summit, and they seem to have the right formula - three days and three hours each day - and starting at 10:30 ET, which works pretty well going across multiple global time zones. It’s still a lot of content to digest, and I managed to take in just about all of it - only had to drop out a couple of times.

I’m not going to write up a full research note now, but will share a few takeaways and screenshots here while it’s still fresh. Following a solid Q1 earnings report, the updates we got this week provided detail as to why the company is doing so well.

Much like Zoom has been the right technology at the right time to enable work from home, Five9 provides a pretty complete CCaaS solution as contact centers rush to the cloud. As we heard, 85% of this market is still premises-based, and it’s hard to see why so many players are jumping in with all types of cloud offerings. Being a fully cloud-native contact center pure play, Five 9 is in a great spot right now.

The CCaaS market sure is messy right now - as is the broader customer service/CX space - and for that tangent, I’ll steer you to my latest No Jitter post which came out earlier this week. Coming back to Five9, here are some notable takeaways around the many things they’re doing right.

  • Lots of strong growth metrics, but their upmarket success with large enterprise customers catches my eye the most, with 45% YoY revenue growth. and 83% of Q1 business revenue. All cloud vendors will book their share of smaller customers, but I think it’s the ability to sell into this end of the market that will create the most sustainable value and growth for Five9.

  • We heard lots about their culture, and it’s a strong selling point for them as an organization. They’ve built out a solid managment team along with proven industry leaders on the sales side, and as CEO Rowan Trollope noted, it’s a place now “where nobody leaves” - in a good way, of course!

  • Plenty of updates around innovation - I’m not that technical, but their Inference acquisition is a good example with IVA - intelligent virtual agent - to help automate customer service - as is Whendu, which helps contact centers with complex legacy integrations migrate to the cloud. Aside from acquistions, they’ve added over 150 developers, and are maintaining R&D spend at a solid 12% of revenues. This is just a taste of what they’re doing, and the main idea here is that they’re holding their own, and then some, in a very competitive space that is evolving quickly.

  • So much more to talk about, and before I close off with some screenshots that can be shared, the intangibles of leadership have a lot to do with their success. You might be surprised to know that Five9 started in 2001, so this isn’t exactly a startup with wheels or a unicorn with hardly any revenues. They’ve been at this a long time, and both President Dan Burkland and CEO Rowan Trollope shared a clear vision for where they’re going and why they’ve been so successful, especially in this big moment of CCaaS adoption. Rowan kicked this event off talking about re-imagining CX and taking a clean slate approach with cloud and AI, and to build around the emerging “multi-modal” workforce, where both human agents and chatbots play key roles in transforming customer service into a highly personalized experience. Easier said than done, but they’re definitely on the right track - leading and not following.

January Writing Roundup

January turned into a good month to do some re -setting for 2021, and that has been time well-spent. Writing was on the light side, but that won’t last long. Whether you’re new here, or not sure if you missed something of mine from last January, here’s my monthly digest of writing highlights.

Voice-Enabling Microsoft Teams - the UCaaS Opportunity, guest post for SIPPIO, Jan. 22

Harnessing Diversity and Inclusion in Technology Key in 2021, TechTarget, Jan. 22

The Hybrid Workplace: New Opportunities for Collaboration, No Jitter, Jan. 19

How is Remote Work Affecting Enterprise Telephony?, TechTarget, Jan. 15

Embracing Contact Center AI in 2021, Insight Report for Upstream Works, Jan. 14

Unified Presence - the Real Challenge for Cross-Platform Collaboration, guest post for NextPlane, Jan. 13

Best Practices for Video Meetings - Our Latest BCStrategies Podcast

We’re on a roll lately at BCStrategies, this being our third podcast over the past few weeks. I hope you caught the last two - 2020 highlights, and our look-ahead for 2021. They’re easy to find on our portal, as is our current podcast - best practices for video meetings.

Every vendor has a video story now, but that doesn’t mean it has to be all video, all the time. In my view, video has its place, and should only be used if it’s additive to the meeting. Of course, video helps home-based workers feel more connected to their teams, so it’s not just about having another communications channel at our disposal.

Best practices can mean many things, and if you’re looking for ways to make your video meetings more productive, I think you’ll get a lot from our collective take on the topic. Here’s the link to the replay, and kudos to Blair Pleasant for moderating. As always, comments and sharing are welcome.

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Embracing Contact Center AI in 2021 - My Latest for Upstream Works

I recently finished a 3-part series for Upstream Works on CX drivers for 2021, and the last piece focused on AI. Contact center has long been a prime use case for AI, both for improving CX and supporting agent engagement.

Lots of ground to cover, and this Insight Report has been posted now on their site. As with the other writeups in this series, the content is gated, so you need to register to get the download. Once there, you can download my earlier writeups in this series, as well as other content they have there.

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Oracle Startup Idol - Am Judging Again

This one kinda crept up on me, as the event is at noon ET today, and am back serving to judge another round of startup pitches from the Oracle for Startups program. This time around, we’ll be hearing from ATLAS, Cognicor, HEARTio, Reengen, SmartHint and Tracifier.

These are all new companies to me, and there’s a lot of AI, healthcare and sustainability in the mix, along with a bit of blockchain. All very in-the-moment, and looking forward to be a part of this again.

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The Accelerated Need for Digital CX in 2021 - My Latest for Upstream Works

Sure has been busy lately. This is the 6th piece of original, new content I’ve shared this week - writeups, webinars and video - plus I contributed to a podcast yesterday that will air next week; and my December newsletter and podcast went out last Friday. Yes, I’m glad it’s Friday!

I’ve just finished up a 3-part Strategic Insights series for Upstream Works, and Part 2 has been posted now on their website. It’s gated content, so it just takes a minute to fill out the registration form. However, if you want an analyst’s perspective on why digital CX is so important for contact centers, I’ll think you’ll find this a good read.

Part 1 can also be downloaded from their site, and I just finished writing Part 3, and it should be posted in the next week or so. As always, comments are welcome, and I’m sure the folks at Upstream Works would love to hear from you!

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What Contact Centers Can Learn from the Tampa Bay Rays

How’s that for a catchy title?

It’s exactly what it sounds like, and it’s all about analytics. Baseball fans know about Moneyball, and based on research I’ve been doing on contact center reporting, my view is that there’s too much focus on reporting and not enough on analytics. The latter approach seems to be working pretty well for teams like the Rays, who were certainly competitive in this year’s World Series, against a far more talented and expensive LA Dodger juggernaut.

If you’re just meh about the topic, then don’t bother reading my latest article, but if I’ve piqued your interest - and maybe hit on a pain point (no pun intended) - then I hope you check it out. There’s a lot more to talk about, but the article is running now in Customer Magazine, and if you give it a read, I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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My Next SCTC Fireside Chat on AI - This Wednesday, with Avaya

Tomorrow, our ongoing series about the AI opportunity for consultants continues with Part 4. I’ll be providing a recap of the key themes covered from the earlier sessions, as well as my outlook for 2021.

Joining me will be Tracy Fleming from Avaya, who will address specific AI use cases in the contact center, and as always, the sessions will be led by Steve Leaden. Registration details have now been posted to the SCTC website, and I hope you can join us - tomorrow from 12-1 EST.

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My Latest White Paper - Mitel - CX Challenges in Pandemic Times

This white paper has been in the works for some time with Mitel, and has launched today. To support it, they’ve issued a press release, and you can read about the details there. Being long-form content, the white paper is gated on their website, and here’s the registration page to download it.

I’m involved with two other efforts to support the white paper, with the first being a Twitter Chat, today at 11am ET. I’ll be joined by Shameem Smillie and Matthew Clare from Mitel, and to tune in, the hashtag is #MitelChats.

I’ll also be presenting highlights from the white paper on a webinar that will likely be in early January - details to follow.

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Next SCTC Fireside Chat - This Wednesday, with Genesys and Inference

I’m running a 3-part series on AI for SCTC, and last week’s kickoff session was really well attended. We continue next with a particular focus on the contact center, and there sure is a lot to talk about. I’ll be giving an overview of the trends, and then I’ll be joined by Gordon Sexton of Genesys, and Richard Dumas of Inference Solutions.

Our Fireside Chat sessions have found a nice groove, and even if you’re not an SCTC member, this should be time well-spent - and for consultants who aren’t members, you might think about joining to be part of this community. Details to register are here on the SCTC site, and we start at noon ET.

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My Next Webinar with Eventus - Managing the Contact Center Data Deluge

That title should be self-explanatory, so if you’re wondering about how contact centers can get a handle on the exponential growth of data from endless sources - and actually get business value - this is the webinar for you. Eventus is a really interesting company, and they have a pretty distinct take on how to do this.

Aside from learning about that, I’ll share my own analyst perspective based on what I’m seeing in both the contact center and business intelligence worlds. Joining me will be Heather Barrow of Eventus, and long-time industry colleague Erik Linask for the moderating. More to come, and registration details are here. We’ll be doing the webinar with TMC, on Tuesday, October 20, at 12:30pm ET.

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My Next Webinar with IntelePeer - CPaaS to Power the New CX

September is always busy, and it’s holding true for me. Got another webinar to tell you about - this one is hosted by Channel Partners Online and sponsored by IntelePeer.

The CPaaS space is quite versatile, and contact centers are finding lots of ways to use these platforms. IntelePeer has found a niche here, and on this webinar, I’ll be talking about scenarios where CPaaS can help contact centers uplevel their CX capabilities, especially those still tied to premises-based technologies.

Our webinar run on Thursday, October 1 at 2pm ET, and all the details to register are here. Hope you can join us!


Newsletter Time Again - August Issue

The August edition of JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review went out yesterday, and if you’ve been through it, I’d love to hear your thoughts or ideas for future content. Travelling to industry events is a big part of our currency as analysts, and with that off the table, we just have to make do with virtual events. There are plenty of those to keep me busy, along with a steady stream of thought leadership projects for clients, several of which will be in the public domain this month. Lots on the go, for sure, and if you want to keep tabs on all this, here’s where you can subscribe to my newsletter.

If you don’t know, our podcast is the main feature of my newsletter for current, original thought leadership. This month’s episode of Watch This Space focuses on the intersection of new technology and employee engagement, and in work-from-home times, this dynamic is a pretty important driver of productivity. I hope you enjoy it, and starting next month, there will be some big changes coming to the podcast - stay tuned.

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April Writing Roundup

Travelling to industry events seems like a quaint idea these days, and it’s scary how much my time is filled now doing video calls. It hasn’t taken long for us to adjust to working virtually, and that reflects well on how today’s collaboration tools support us, as well as scale.

There sure is lots to talk about as we adapt to this new world of working, and that’s been a main theme for me lately. I’ve been doing a fair number of podcasts and webinars, but the writing never stops, and here’s what was keeping me busy on that front last month.

Re-Imagining Industry Conferences in Pandemic Times, No Jitter, April 28

How do you Compare the TCO of an On-premises UC vs. UCaaS?, TechTarget, April 24

Best Practices for Working from Home - for Workers,, April 15

Supporting Collaboration with WFH is a Team Effort, BCStrategies, April 6

My Latest Podcast - Talking AI and CX with Germany's parlamind

I do a fair bit of regular work with U.K.-based Enterprise Management 360, including podcasts. This time around, I was in conversation with a German AI company called parlamind. The company is new for me, and they’re doing some interesting things with AI in the contact center space, especially around improving CX.

This is very mucn in my wheelhouse, so it made for a pretty engaging session. I was joined by Tobias Lehmann and Olav Vier Strawe, and we could have gone on all day. The podcast has now been published on EM360’s site, and I hope you give it a listen - here’s the link.

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Zoom Bombing or Bashing? Our Latest BCStrategies Podcast

Zoom is certainly having its Covid moment, and like Google, it’s become a verb - or two, or three. The company is absolutely in the right place at the right time, and when we’re not busy working, we’re often helping family members use Zoom, if not Zooming ourselves. Enough, already!

Our group at BCStrategies has just weighed in with our take on Zoom, but also with a more critical eye given all the vulnerabilities and privacy issues that been front and center with the company. For better or worse, this pandemic will be a real test of how well Zoom truly scales, and how well it can gain - and keep - the trust of consumers. The podcast has been posted now to our portal, and I hope you enjoy it.

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Supporting Collaboration with WFH is a Team Effort

That’s the title of my latest post running on BCStrategies. As a BC Expert, I’m a regular contributor, and this time around, I wanted to share takeaways from a webinar I was on last week. The webinar was hosted by Metaswitch, and we were joined by Poly, and together we reviewed the challenges and opportunities for carriers in supporting end customers as they adapt to work from home.

The main theme for my post is that you need more than a UCaaS platform to make WFH effective, and together, our perspectives make for a more complete value proposition. The post is running now on the BCStrategies portal, and you can read it here.

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Project Voice - First Take

Last week, I attended the Project Voice event down in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and both were first-time experiences for me. Bradley Metrock is the driving force behind all this, and we recently became fast friends, not just because of my focus on voice, but also both being life-long piano players. If you know me well, you’ll know where this is going, and I’ll get to that.

I’ve had some mitigating circumstances that kept me from posting here until now - so I’m not going to do a day-by-day recap at this point - but I have something better. Earlier today, Bradley posted his own review of the event, and that will do the job for now - here’s the link if you want to read it. On that note - no pun intended - thanks Bradley for mentioning our SIPtones performance during the event!

To keep that vibe going, I’m sharing a few photos below, and please watch for three more things coming soon:

  1. I’ll have my own writeup coming next week on BCStrategies

  2. Prior to the event, I was a guest on Bradley’s This Week in Voice video podcast, along with Rick Hathaway, Steve Leaden and Chuck Vondra. We wore both our hats as a way to introduce ourselves to the Project Voice community - first as SCTC members previewing our panel session on conversational AI trends in the enterprise; as well as our SIPtones hats, and the kind of music we would be playing at the event. The podcast hasn’t been posted yet, but I’ll update that for sure.

  3. Video highlights from our SIPtones gig from the event are being compiled now, and I’ll share some of that shortly on the My Music section of my website. If you can’t wait to see/hear us, check that section out any time, as I’ve posted video and photos there from our other gigs. Need a band for your next event?

Below: Bradley Metrock, Amazon’s Jeff Blankenburg, Dr. Sandhya Pruthi, Mayo Clinic - my photos

Below: panel I moderated with my SCTC/SIPtones colleagues, another panel I moderated on voice tech trends in the enterprise, and the SIPtones on stage. Photos are from others, used with permission.

3 Trips to San Francisco - 3 Cloud Visions: My Latest on No Jitter

New word for the day - Throctober. October was a hectic month for analysts, and my travels included three trips from Toronto to San Francisco, with event stops for RingCentral, Talkdesk and Vonage. That’s a lot of travel for me, but the learning was worth it, and I’ve summarized that into this review post.

I’m a regular contributor to No Jitter, and for this post, I’ve distilled the takeaways into a single big idea for each company - Be Digital, Be Smart and Be Bold. To pique your interest, think about which company you’d pair each of these up with, and then see how that aligns with my thinking after reading the post.

There’s certainly more to say about each of these events, so watch for that in future posts and podcasts. For now, though, here’s the link for the post, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.
