January Writing Roundup

Very disjointed month, as I was in Israel for two weeks, then flattened with a cold the entire week after getting back. Totally good now, though, and thankfully I got all my latest work done ahead of all this, so I do have some writing to share from January.

The Channel Partner Opportunity to Deploy UCaaS, CCaaS Together, Channel Futures, Jan. 28

How Call Testing and Monitoring Enhances Telephony and CX for Brands, No Jitter, Jan. 10

Getting Past the AI Hype, Contact Center Pipeline, January edition

New Month, New Year, New Newsletter and Podcast

I’ve definitely hit the ground running for 2025, and being the first full week of the month, the latest editions of my podcast and newsletter were published yesterday.

If you’re not a subscriber, signing up to my newsletter is easy - JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review - the signup page is here.

For my Watch This Space podcast, you can subscribe on all the major platforms, or listen to any episode directly here on my website, or here on the dedicated WTS website.

This marks the start of Season 8 for my podcast, and as you can see below, it’s got a new look. I hope you like it, and same for the episode itself, which you can listen to right here.

Finally, a quick heads-up - soon, you’ll be seeing an animated version of the WTS banner. It’s kinda fun, and better reflects the vibe we’re after. Watch for it on LinkedIn and on my website.

Getting Past the AI Hype - My Latest Contact Center Pipeline Article

I’ve been a guest contributor to Contact Center Pipeline for some time, as well as being a member of their Advisory Board.

Getting Past the AI Hype is my latest article, running now in the January 2025 edition.

There’s great content in the current issue, which covers a lot of ground for the big themes and challenges facing contact centers in 2025. I hope you read my article, and here’s the link to explore the rest of the issue. If you like what you see, you can easily sign up for free to get the digital edition.

A good starting point would be long-time colleague Brendan Read’s overview - What Will 2025 Bring for Contact Centers? It’s a compilation of insights from various thought leaders - myself included - thanks - and here’s the link to read it. Plenty to digest in this issue, and am sure the CCP folks would love to hear from you.

December Writing Roundup

December was another busy month on the video front - details on that in my next newsletter - but there was writing as well, both with my byline and without. Here’s the bylined writing, and if you missed these, I hope you give them a read.

Getting Past the AI Hype, Contact Center Pipeline, January 2025 issue

How Vendors Could Help Small and Medium Businesses Navigate Change Amidst Rapid Change and Complexity, No Jitter, Dec. 17

Where Does the Human Element Stand in the Age of Automation?, Future of Work News, Dec. 16

Future of Work Expo Updates - My Q&A with FOW News

Lots in play for the Future of Work Expo, and time for some quick updates. If you don’t know, I’m the event Chair, and this is our seventh year as a sub-event with TMCnet’s ITExpo. The spot is Ft. Lauderdale, and things run from February 11-13 - not that far away.

Things are in continuous motion now, filling out the speaker roster for my panels, and lining up sponsors to support the event. You can check all of that out on the event website, along with details to register as an attendee.

Update 1 - I was recently featured in Future of Work News, doing a Q&A with Greg Tavarez about what I’m seeing in this space, and what to expect at FOW Expo. The article was published this week, and I hope you give it a read here.

Update 2 - I’m doing a series of video interviews to support the event, and these are being posted to TMC’s YouTube video channel. The most recent one is with TMC’s Erik Linask, and you can check that out here. I’ve also done interviews with my podcast partner, Chris Fine, and Jabra’s Vern Fernandez - and I’ll be sharing those as they get posted.

Update 3 - here’s the latest e-blast from TMC for FOW Expo - good messaging there about what we’re doing, and why you should attend.

Tech Adoption Challenges for SMBs - My Latest for No Jitter

My writing cycle is in high gear again, and I have a number of articles and papers coming to market soon. As part of the BCStrategies team, we have a regular rotation of articles for No Jitter, and my latest is out now.

The focus is a big topic that is easily overlooked - adoption of new technology for SMBs. While many cloud communications vendors strive to move upmarket, this sector is too big to ignore, but it’s a different sell than for large enterprises. One reason is a variety of challenges SMBs face to stay current with technology, and that’s the focus of my writeup.

You can read the article here, and if you like it, I’d love to hear from you!

December Editions of Newsletter and Podcast Out Now

It’s a new month, and time for the last editions of both my newsletter and podcast for 2024 - JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review, and my Watch This Space podcast, finishing up its 7th season.

If you’re not a subscriber, signing up to my newsletter is easy - JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review - the signup page is here.

For my Watch This Space podcast, you can subscribe on all the major platforms, or listen to any episode directly here on my website, or here on the dedicated WTS website.

This month’s episode is a first for us, with a review of a sci-fi classic novelette, With Folded Hands. If you’re wondering where things are heading with AI, this will be time well-spent, along with our review of recent events and 2024 highlights - you can check out the December podcast here.

Next Webinar - with NICE - AI, Automation and the Customer Journey

I’ve been working on a few fronts with NICE about this topic, and we have a webinar coming up on Dec. 12 to talk it through. I’ll be leading with a presentation, and will be in conversation with Elizabeth Tobey. We make a good team, and hope you can join us! Details are here, along with the registration form to attend.

New Research Report - Consumer Attitudes Toward Contact Center Queues

You may not know that I’m a market researcher by trade, and have been a practitioner for 30+ years. Most analysts do not have this skill set, and I find it a great way to enhance my thought leadership engagements.

I just completed one of these with Aizan Technologies, a vendor I’ve been working with for some time. The topic was contact center queues, or in more ordinary parlance, the on-hold experience. This happens to all of us when trying to get customer service, and it usually ends badly. There’s actually an opportunity here as part of the overall customer experience, but with no research out there to speak of, we went ahead and did our own study.

Aizan is the sponsor, and I did the rest, along with my field partner, Quest Mindshare. The findings are pretty rich, and Aizan has created a really nice, highly-consumable summary report. You need to register to get the study, and here’s the link for that.

I’ll be writing an article with my follow-on take soon, so keep watch for that. Also - of course - there’s no better way to tell your story than having proprietary research of your own, and if that’s on your 2025 roadmap, we should talk.

November Writing Roundup

Am a bit behind on things, being away most all last week for Thanksgiving, and how month-end fell on the calendar for November. Did a lot more video than writing last month, but here’s the roundup of public posts.

Talkdesk Analyst Summit - my takeaways, on LinkedIn, Nov. 25

Pros and Cons of a Hybrid Contact Center Architecture, TechTarget, Nov. 14

NICE Analyst Summit Takeaways (ICYMI, being month-end), No Jitter, Oct. 29

Talkdesk Analyst Summit - Photos and 3 Takeaways

Last week was my first visit to Charleston, SC, and the first Talkdesk Analyst Summit since 2019. Lots to catch up on, and it was time well-spent. Below are some photos from the sessions, along with our outings to explore Charleston. To complement the photos, I’ve posted my takeaway highlights here on LinkedIn.

Below - CEO/Founder Tiago Paiva, Neville Letzerich.

Andy Flynn, Pedro Andrade and Chad Anderson doing a demo.

Memorial Healthcare customer session, welcome signs from current and previous events.

Mills House - our hotel and event venue - Charlie - one of the greeters. Some Southern hospitality in my room.

Moody moonshot, love the iron work at City Market, and during a dinner, they had a fragrance bar, where we got to choose our own scents, and they whipped that up into our personal perfumes to take home. Ooh la la…

Speaking of ooh la la - Benne’s Bakery, with their famous Ultimate Coconut cake, stacked high for all to see, and my own slice along with a sweet cocktail. More of the same at Lenoir, with another sweet and yummy cocktail. Sugar is kinda a big thing here, yup.

Epica Awards 2024 - Am Judging Again

This is a bit out of the norm, but very fun. Am back for a third year as a jury member to judge the 2024 Epica Awards. The program is Paris-based, so the range of entries is very global - a much different look and feel from a US-based awards program.

There is a wide range of categories for all the entries, with a healthy mix of consumer and B2B brands. As a marketing guy at heart - and a creative person - I really enjoy reviewing these entries, and while most of this is outside my everyday analyst focus, I take inspiration for how many of these brands take a fresh, out-of-the-box approach to get their message across. Not just for consumer brands, btw, but also for some of the tougher issues, like education, climate change, and societal inclusion.

Nothing here about CX, meetings or Gen AI, but a lot of clever use of technology to create images and video that grabs your attention. Another thing that I love is how most entries are very grounded in digital technologies, and the really good ones have figured out ways to break through the clutter we all have with advertisers trying to get our attention. One way or another, I’ll find ways to apply this to my work and it helps bring fresh thinking to my clients.

Next Stop - Talkdesk - Charleston, SC

Today I’m off to Talkdesk’s analyst event - it’s been a few years since the last one, so there’s a lot of catching up to do. Am keen to get the latest updates and roadmap, and will post on LinkedIn as time allows during the event - hashtag is #TalkdeskAnalystSummit. Never been to Charleston - that will be a treat, so it should be a pretty good next few days.

New Month - Time for November Newsletter and Podcast

It’s a new month, and the latest editions of both my newsletter and podcast are out now - JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review, and my Watch This Space podcast, now in its 7th season.

If you’re not a subscriber, signing up to my newsletter is easy - JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review - the signup page is here.

For my Watch This Space podcast, you can subscribe on all the major platforms, or listen to any episode directly here on my website, or here on the dedicated WTS website.

This month’s episode is mainly a recap of current industry events Chris and I have attended or were about to - namely Verint, British Telecom, UC Expo, NICE, Cisco WebexOne, Zoomtopia, VON/vCon and WorkTech. It’s a busy time, and lots to talk about - you can check out the November podcast here.

NICE Analyst Summit 2024 - Photos from Zambia, Review on No Jitter

Last week was definitely a bucket-list trip, courtesy of NICE, to attend their Analyst Summit in Zambia. That’s as exotic as it gets in my world, and am still buzzing from the experience - not just the content, but being surrounded by nature that urbanites hardly ever see. Every day was a new adventure, and whatever I can share now is just a fraction of the whole thing.

I’ll keep this short, and here I’m just sharing two sets of my photos - from the event itself, and from what I would call the Zambia experience - and the rest I’ll leave to your imagination (or if we’re connected on Facebook, I’ll be sharing lots more there).

Complementing that is my review of the event, which I’ve distilled into three themes - windmills, profitability and termites. A bit strange, I know, but it all hangs together, and you can read it here on No Jitter.

As always, comments and sharing are welcome, and I’ll likely have a small coda coming in the November newsletter next week.

First, some photos from the event:

CEO Barak Eilam, and AR leader and Head of Global Corporate Comms, Chris Irwin-Dudek

Fantastic opening with a children’s choir to sing the Zambian national anthem, with that week being their 60th Independence Day - pretty special. Next - one of several very creative visuals to showcase various success metrics, weaving in images from our various Analyst Summit locales - this one showing their revenue stat of $2.78 billion paired with last year’s Machu Picchu visit.

Gotta show a few regular slides - Hyper Platform - this is their next-level vision for how AI is helping enterprises get better outcomes, and for software vendors to evolve to meet those needs. Next - visual for 4 stages of NICE’s evolution that brings them to this vision.

Elizabeth Tobey and Neeraj Verma getting into the details.

Exec Q&A with Barry Cooper, Einat Weiss and Barak Eilam; and a farewell toast moment marking the fast-approaching end to Barak’s tenure as CEO.

Next - a few photos to give you a flavor for the Zambia experience - wow, huh?

Next Stop - NICE Analyst Summit - Destination...

NICE doesn’t do anything in half-measures. If you follow me, you’ll know that they keep raising the bar each year, and clearly, they value what analysts bring to the table. Being a public company, they're pretty transparent about things, and if they choose to take us to an exotic location - not just to share their roadmap, but to nurture important relationships - so be it. With that backdrop, they’re taking us to….

Zambia. You heard right - Zambia. I’ll leave it to your imagination and Google searches to figure out what that might look like, and am sure it will be all of that and then some. As always, I’ll share updates and photos as time allows, and a whole lot more once back. Time to pack now…

Future of Work Expo Updates - Feb. 11-13, 2025

I’m overdue for an update on the 2025 edition of Future of Work Expo, so here’s the news.

If the event is new to you, this is my 7th year as Chair, and my main role is to develop the program and roster of speakers for the sessions. You also need to know that Future of Work Expo is co-located - along with other speciality events - with ITExpo, TMC’s long-running communications show in Ft. Lauderdale. So, aside from getting a deep dive on FOW topics, attendees also get the broader ITExpo experience, which draws over 8,000 people, along with a show floor with hundreds of vendors.

I’ve got two updates to share, and I hope this tweaks your interest to attend, as well as speak or even sponsor. First is the website for the event, where you can review things in detail, including the Agenda, which just went live yesterday. Next is the latest e-newsletter blurb, which TMC sends out to its email list, and gives a nice overview of the event experience.

Finally, my Watch This Space podcast has a strong focus on future of work topics, so it’s quite complementary to the event. To reinforce that, TMC is now a media partner, and giving the podcast broader exposure on their various websites. If you don’t follow my podcast, it’s another way to stay current with the event, along with other topics we explore on a monthly basis. Hope to see you there!

Roundtable in NYC About Sales Automation, Oct. 10 - Interested?

I’m going to be in NYC next week with Vidyard, a company I’ve been working with recently. We’re doing a roundtable session that I’m moderating on the topic of using AI and automation to make the sales process more effective. There is no shortage of challenges for a set of needs that all businesses struggle with, and in response, there are new solutions that need consideration.

The panel is largely in place, but we do have room for a couple more attendees. If you happen to be in NYC next Thursday - or really, really want to get there on your own to join us, here’s the link to register. For anyone who plans to come, we’ll see you there!

London, Part 2 - UC Expo

This was the main focus of my London trip, and it was worthwhile as always. I’ve attended UC Expo three, maybe four times, and along with taking in the show floor, I got to be part of three sessions. One was invite-only for a vendor, so will leave it at that; and for the others, I moderated one, and was one of the “panelysts” on the Ask the Analyst panel.

My commentary will be brief here, and if you follow me on LinkedIn, I posted throughout the event with comments along the way. Also, I did two media video segments on the floor - one is running now, and one is coming soon. Links will be shared here and/or on the home page of my website.

Speaking of video, I also wore the interviewer hat, doing three video interviews with exhibitors - 8x8, RingCentral and Intermedia. They’ll run on EM360 at some point - stay tuned.

Below - the ExCel Center vibe - noisy on the outside, being by the City airport - and noisy on the inside. Sessions were on the show floor - lots of ambient noise, so it’s a bit hard to really hear the speakers. Last - signage listing two of the sessions I was part of.

Ask the Analyst panel, with Dave’s long arm doing the group selfie; moderating a panel on the role technology plays to make workplaces more inclusive.

From the show floor - at the Bose stand, getting a demo of their beamforming audio for meetings; 8x8 and Neat.

On the floor with UC Today, being interviewed by Kieran Devlin (running now). Audience for opening keynote - they’re not radioactive - just a lot of lime green everywhere!

Keeping good company - interviewing Chris Angus from 8x8; at the Ecosmob stand with Krunal Patel and Tirth Shah; finally getting a good Guinness with colleague, friend and uber London host, Chris Bain from Avaya - cheers!

London, Part 1 - British Telecom, Focus 2024

This was the first of two events I attended on this week’s London trip - Focus 2024, British Telecom’s analyst event, which was a first for me in-person. The second stop was UC Expo, and I’ll get to that in my Part 2 blog post after this.

Am just sharing some of my photos here with brief commentary. I was only able to attend Day 1 of BT’s event, so my takeaways are limited. In short, BT seems to be well-along the AI path, talking a lot about automation, and building flexible networks to support today’s distributed organizations. Also heard quite a bit about network security, which is a must with the growing volumes of data these networks have to handle.

Below, CEO Bas Burger, Matt Swinden and Chet Patel

Below - Charlie - special guest speaker, and totally NDA, so no photos. In short, he shared fascinating insider insights about the global state of fraud, threats, disinformation, etc., and the geopolitics of what’s happening at a state/nation level. Of course, it’s bad, and likely worse than you can imagine. On a more positive note, the food and bar service were very good! Next - during the reception, and building lobby. They do a great job with branding - maybe a bit OTT, but that’s what big telcos do.