My Next Webinar - with Five9, May 26

Got a few webinars/events coming up, and here’s the first one on that list. This one is with Five9, and it’s on May 26 at 1pm EST. The topic is focused on how UCaaS and CCaaS together makes for better CX, and it’s for the Canadian market - but you’re all welcome to attend, so here’s the registration page with all the details.

I don’t have a cool banner to add here for a visual, so in honor of yesterday being Five9 Day (May 9 - doh), thought I’d use my special Five9 show-us-your-swag photo. :-)

Channel Partners Event - My Takeaways on No Jitter

As per my quick take blog post and photos last week, I said there would be more to come about the Channel Partners event, and that’s running now on No Jitter. Not many analysts attend this show, so you might find my take a bit different, and hopefully, that’s a good thing. As always, comments and sharing are welcome.

Empathy in Action - My Book Review, Running on BCStrategies

Book reviews are a different kind of writing, and I’m always up for different and creative challenges. First off, this isn’t a review of the whole book - it’s just one chapter, but it’s the one I think my readers will find the most interesting.

The back story is part of the review, but here’s the teaser. Today, a long-awaited book was launched, titled Empathy in Action, co-authored by two luminaries from Genesys - Tony Bates and Dr. Natalie Petouhoff. You may have caught some of the buzz already, but I was brought to the table earlier to review an advance copy and write about my perspective as an analyst.

That’s the lead-in, and the full review is running now on BCStrategies, where I’ve long been a BC Expert. If you’re wondering about why CX and DX are buzzwords in the contact center space, I think you’ll find this a good read. As always, your comments are welcome, and am sure the Genesys folks would love it if you checked out book.

My Next Webinar - with Vonage and the CPaaS Opportunity

I’ve been working with Vonage on a white paper for some time, and it’s coming to market very soon. Without giving it all away, I’ll be talking about the highlights on this webinar, where the main focus is about how CPaaS capabilities can open up new opportunities for channels in migrating their customers to the cloud. The podcast is running next Thursday, February 10 at 11ET, and all the details are here if you’d like to register and join us.

Getting Beyond Voice: Selling Cloud Services - My Latest on Channel Futures

Time for another guest post, and some best practices for channels as they move into selling cloud services. Some are more willing/able than others, but for those who see the bigger picture beyond migrating telephony to the cloud, I think you’ll find this a good read. My analysis is running now on Channel Futures, and as always, comments are welcome.

Our 2022 Predictions - Latest BCStrategies Podcast

This is a dangerous question to ask analysts, as we all have our opinions, and with so much technology change out there, these can be long conversations. Well, we had 15 analysts and consultants on hand for our latest BCStrategies podcast, so you’ll need an hour to get through it all. This makes for a long podcast, but where else will you get such a diversity of informed views on what to expect in the coming year?

The podcast is posted now on our portal, and the session was led by Jim Burton. If you don’t want to listen to the whole thing, the post includes the start time for each BC Expert, so you can easily find where each of us has our turn.

2022 Predictions

Newsletter Time - Podcast Too - January Editions Published Now

The first Tuesday of each month is my publishing target, and that did happen yesterday. Subscribers to JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review have their newsletters by now, and am sure a few of you have given our latest Watch This Space podcast episode a listen. There’s always lots to follow and talk about in the tech world, especially in my focus areas, namely collaboration, future of work and customer experience.

If any of this is new to you, maybe the thumb image below will pique your interest to listen to our latest podcast. Otherwise, you can check out earlier episodes here, along with the newsletter here, and to become a subscriber, just click here to sign up!

Avaya ENGAGE Takeaways - Experience Builders, MPC and Composable Enterprises

Sure has been a while since going to a vendor event in-person. Nothing is in balance these days - I’ve passed on attending other in-person events recently, while others have changed course, switching back from in-person to virtual. So, there’s still plenty of events going on, and this week I attended one in-person - but given the latest pandemic twist with Omicron, it may be a while til I travel again.

There were a limited number of analysts and consultants at Avaya ENGAGE, and given the program I was in, I was only able to take in some of the general sessions. Keeping in mind that the audience was mainly customers and partners, here are some quick takeaways from my perspective.

We’re all experience builders. That was a core message from Avaya, with the main idea being that their OneCloud platform provides enough tools and flexibility to create customized experiences for both customers and employees. This is the CPaaS theme, and to counter the developer-centric approach that Twilio is leading, this is more about how Avaya and partners will work with customers to help them build these new experiences. No guarantee how this will play out, but it’s a good approach to make CPaaS more accessible with a faster time to revenue for Avaya.

MPC - this is Media Processing Core, and is another pillar of Avaya OneCloud. I’m not that technical, but this is the common layer supporting all their cloud offerings - CPaaS, CCaaS and UCaaS. For customers, a key benefit is that by having media processing done in the core, bandwidth requirements are up to 80% lower. Being the common layer, it’s also easier for “experience builders” to innovate, drawing from across all these cloud platforms. I get that.

Composable enterprises. I’m not alone in being unsure what this really means, but it’s become a main talking point for Avaya. Again, I can’t explain this one very well, and for me, the OneCloud concept is easier to grasp. To be a good experience builder, you need a platform that works across all the core cloud platforms, especially as the needs of today’s hybrid workplace become so fluid. I think we all get that, and for me, terms like agility, flexibility, adaptability come to mind well ahead of composability. How about you?

Joe Pine and The Experience Economy. I’ve seen this author speak before, and not only does he explain things better than just about anyone else, but he put some thought into tying this trend to what Avaya is doing, and what the audience really needs to hear. In short, I loved his Starbucks example, where a cup of coffee costs about 3 cents, but as part of the Starbucks “experience”, they can sell it for about $3, and often more like $5-6. So, “which business would you rather be in?”. Am totally with Joe on this one, where success in the experience economy is about taking a commodity - coffee beans - and transforming it into a personalized experience that truly engages customers. Key point - the innovation is around creating the experience, and not building a better product. Yup. This is exactly what Avaya is trying to do with OneCloud and composable enterprises - I just like the way Joe explained it a whole lot better. :-)

Is Avaya a follower or a leader? Just a few thoughts here - and there’s lots more to talk about. CEO Jim Chirico cited some strong growth metrics, like 6,000 new customers in 2021, many of those being $1 million dollar accounts, 95% of ARR coming now from enterprises, and 6 straight quarters of growth. The company seems to be on stable ground financially, and the portfolio looks pretty strong. On the other hand, they have a lot of big strategic partners, such as RingCentral, Nvidia and Google CCAI. Every vendor relies on partners like these, but for a company looking to maintain - or regain - leadership with such a rich legacy, it seems to me that innovation is coming more from without than within.

Follower or leader, part 2. I only attended general session talks, but don’t recall seeing any bold new offerings, and didn’t hear anything about mobility. To be fair, I did see one thing I thought was cool. On stage left, there was a towering rectangular box that kinda looked like a phone booth or even a giant tablet. Well, it was projecting a hologram of a guest speaking in New Zealand, life-size, in real time. Seen this sort of thing before, but it was impressive - almost looked like Houdini trapped in a water tank, and we’re waiting to see how he would escape. Anyhow, that sure looked pretty different for Avaya, and I found it odd there was no mention about this one cool thing that worked really well. Maybe a missed opportunity? Finally, coming back to the numbers, it’s also worth noting that Avaya’s revenues are much bigger than most of their UCaaS/CCaaS competitors, but the opposite holds for market cap. For 2021, Avaya has roughly double the revenue of RingCentral, yet Ring’s market cap is 10x - ten times - that of Avaya. As to whether you view Avaya as a follower or a leader, I guess that depends on which metrics you use!

A few photos to leave you with - CEO Jim Chirico, CMO Simon Harrison, Author Joe Pine, and Harry Houdini in the water tank - actually, it’s Nathan Fa’avae from New Zealand - cool!

Next Speaking Gig - Five9 CX Summit Canada, Dec. 8

Last month I did the lock note in person at our SCTC conference, and this month I’m presenting at Five9’s CX Summit Canada. This one will be virtual, which is too bad since there are so few industry events in Canada, and otherwise, this one would likely have been right in my back yard.

A gig is a gig, though, and I’m more than happy to share my perspectives on trends and opportunities shaping the contact center. There’s a lot to talk about, and I think attendees will get some good takeaways.

The upside to being a virtual event is that attendance is free, and is open to all. Their target audience of course will be customers, prospects and partners, but others are welcome, and registration is here.

The event is this Wednesday, December 8, and starts at 10:30 ET - and my talk is at 12:10 pm - maybe I’ll “see” you there!

Newsletter Time - December Issue Out Now, Podcast Too

Am trying to keep on time, publishing the first week of each month, for both my newsletter and podcast - JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review, and Watch This Space, respectively. Subscribers continue to grow, and listenership is picking up across the major podcast platforms, so the following is slowly building.

If any or all of this is news to you, a few clicks to my website will tell the story. You can find the newsletter archive here (updates are coming), and you can subscribe to it here. The Watch This Space podcast has its own space - you can access earlier episodes here, as well as here - including the December episode, which you can listen to right now.

UCaaS and CCaaS: Better Together for Cloud Migration - my Latest on No Jitter

This is a great topic, and while there’s a good case still for best-of-breed, the rationale for putting these together is solid for lots of use cases. My latest No Jitter post is another take of mine on the topic, especially about the importance of picking the right type of partner.

Integrating UCaaS and CCaaS is harder to do than it looks, and vendors are all over the map in terms of having the right capabilities. With enough effort, they can all do a good job, but it’s fair to say this is easier to do when all the pieces are native to your platform. I suspect we’ll see more vendors and cloud providers try to go down this road in 2022, but in terms of who’s doing it now, Intermedia is a good example. They actually just announced an update about this, and you can read about it here.

An Enterprise-Wide Approach to Connected Customer Experiences - My Latest White Paper for Cisco

Sometimes my thought leadership outputs are publicly shared right away, sometimes never at all, and yet other times only after a delay in time. This last scenario applies to my latest white paper, and most recent white paper done for Cisco.

The topic speaks to the growing need for businesses to think about CX in broader terms than the contact center. Things are changing quickly in this space and this white paper is a good example of how vendors are trying to educate the market in terms of how to respond.

My white paper was published back in April this year, but was only used internally by Cisco, and wasn’t promoted to other circles. That has recently changed, however, and during last week’s high-profile Webex One event, Cisco included the white paper in their set of resources for channels and end customers.

If you attended the event, you can access the white paper by logging in and going to the Resources section. The white paper is listed there, along with a public link where no further registration is required.

For everyone else - or those who can’t be bothered to log in again to Webex One - here’s a direct public link to the white paper. If you give it a read, I’d love to hear your thoughts, as I believe the contact center is on the verge of some major transformation, and this is an example of what’s coming.

Next Stop - NYC, then San Diego - SCTC Conference and SIPtones Time!

When was the last time I did a “Next Stop” post? Wow - probably February 2020 for Future of Work Expo - that was the last in-person event for me once Covid hit. My blogging has gone dark for too long as well - sorry about that. It’s more the case that I’ve been too busy to post than having nothing to talk about.

Been tracking several really good events recently, but just haven’t had time to post about them - at least yet. Now, though, I’m in the moment with my first bit of travel in ages.

Tomorrow, I’m flying the NYC for some client work, and details about that will come in different forms - that’s all I can say for now. After that, I’m going coastal to San Diego for the SCTC annual conference. As mentioned, this will be my first live event of any kind during this crazy time, and it’s going to take some getting used to.

Definitely looking forward, though, not just because I’m doing the locknote talk on Thursday at 11:30, but for another SIPtones gig. We’re so looking forward to playing, and if you’re attending, dancing WILL be required.

Otherwise, once the video from our gig has been processed, I’ll have some new clips to add to the My Music section of my website. There’s plenty of clips there now, so if you’ve never seen or heard us, that’s where you should go next. That aside, I’ll share what I can on social during my travels, both on Twitter and Linkedin.

Today is CX Day 2021 - Details Here, Along with Analyst Perspectives

This was new to me - CXPA - the Customer Experience Professionals Association, and today is their big event, CX Day 2021. For those in the CX space - and that seems to be just about everyone lately - this is a highly focused event celebrating the best in both CX and EX - customer experience and employee experience. It’s a global event, by the way, so there’s content and activity specific for various geographies.

Genesys is one of the sponsors, and they engaged myself and some other thought leaders to share our views on CX and DX. They summarized all that in a blog post that ran a few days ago in support of CX Day 2021, and you can read that here. Following that, you should hop over to CX Day here, and check out what’s on offer.

Reflections on Enterprise Connect - Our BCStrategies Podcast

Last week’s Enterprise Connect event was a great showcase for the state of collaboration and contact center technology, despite being scaled back to all-virtual. The messaging remains the same, and there’s lots to keep up on - and this is still be the best event for doing that in our space.

While the buzz is still on, BCStrategies did its regular event recap podcast, and it’s out now. Lot of perspectives to share, and this episode was moderated by Blair Pleasant - good as always. You won’t find a better collective recap of the event anywhere else, and I hope you give it a listen.

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Thoughts on Zoomtopia - Our Latest BCStrategies Podcast

Fall industry events are well underway now, and a big one from last week was Zoomtopia. Always lots to talk about with their event, as they keep pushing out on many fronts. Maybe too many if you ask me, but that’s the nature of the tech space these days, as there are no barriers with cloud, and Zoom is in a hurry to keep growing.

If that’s of interest, then you’ll want to check out our latest BCStrategies podcast, this time led by Blair Pleasant. Here’s the link, and as always, comments are welcome.

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Newsletter Time Again - August Issue - Podcast Too

August is August, so this month’s newsletter will likely be the lilghtest of the year, but that doesn’t mean I’ve taken the summer off. Am as busy as ever, and there will be lots of new stuff to share next month and beyond, so stay tuned.

JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review went out yesterday, and for everyone else, here’s an easy way to subscribe if you want to follow what I’m up to. Analyst work in the collaboration and contact center spaces is never dull, and for more on that, you should check out my podcast, Watch This Space.

My partner Chris Fine and I are well into our 4th season, and this time around we weighed in on what could well be the most important M&A deal of 2021 in our space - Zoom’s acquisition of Five9. We talk a lot about future of work as well, and for the August episode, we discuss the current state of hybrid work in the broader context of how everyday life is starting to open up again - sort of.

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Our Latest BCStrategies Podcast - Zoom's Acquisition of Five9

This might turn out to be the biggest M&A deal of 2021 in our space, although there’s plenty of time left this year for bigger deals to come along. Even so, it may well be the most important deal given how ripe the contact center space has become for, well… disruption, consolidation, re-imagining, etc.

There are many angles to consider with Zoom acquiring Five9, and we covered a lot of them during our latest BCStrategies podcast, which is running now on our site. I hope you give it a listen, and if you want to hear more, I discussed the implications further with my co-host, Chris Fine on our latest Watch This Space podcast. That episode launches next Tuesday, along with my August newsletter, and if you’re not a subscriber, you can find it here on my website.

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Newsletter Time Again - July Issue - Podcast Too

Being the first week of the month, the current issue of JAA’s Communications and Collaboration Review is out now, along with our latest Watch This Space podcast. If the topic as per the thumb below piques your interest, you can give it a listen here. Otherwise, feel free to peruse earlier episodes here on my website, and same for past newsletter issues. And, to become a subscriber, just sign up here.

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June Writing Roundup

June was a busy month with virtual events and client work, along with early signs that the fall will be very busy as live events resume. Already, I have one live event to travel to almost every week through early November - geez. Still managed to get some writing done, though, and here’s my June digest. For more on what’s keeping me busy, next week my July newsletter and podcast both come out.

Genesys Xperience - My Perspectives on CX and DX on BCStrategies, BCStrategies, June 30

What Technologies are Essential for Effective Teamwork?, TechTarget, June 21

Voice Technology Triumphs Telephony - Here’s Why, No Jitter, June 8