Next Stop - NYC, then San Diego - SCTC Conference and SIPtones Time!

When was the last time I did a “Next Stop” post? Wow - probably February 2020 for Future of Work Expo - that was the last in-person event for me once Covid hit. My blogging has gone dark for too long as well - sorry about that. It’s more the case that I’ve been too busy to post than having nothing to talk about.

Been tracking several really good events recently, but just haven’t had time to post about them - at least yet. Now, though, I’m in the moment with my first bit of travel in ages.

Tomorrow, I’m flying the NYC for some client work, and details about that will come in different forms - that’s all I can say for now. After that, I’m going coastal to San Diego for the SCTC annual conference. As mentioned, this will be my first live event of any kind during this crazy time, and it’s going to take some getting used to.

Definitely looking forward, though, not just because I’m doing the locknote talk on Thursday at 11:30, but for another SIPtones gig. We’re so looking forward to playing, and if you’re attending, dancing WILL be required.

Otherwise, once the video from our gig has been processed, I’ll have some new clips to add to the My Music section of my website. There’s plenty of clips there now, so if you’ve never seen or heard us, that’s where you should go next. That aside, I’ll share what I can on social during my travels, both on Twitter and Linkedin.