New Podcast - Impact of Latest FCC Rulings on Telecom Fraud

Telecom fraud is a secondary focus for me, but every time I go there, the rabbit holes get deeper and issues get even uglier. The engineers at Bell Labs could never have envisioned the PSTN being essentially reduced to a toxic minefield of spam and scams, first from the Internet, and more recently, AI.

This topic has no end of angles to explore, and I do that on occasion in different forums. One of them is a podcast series hosted by Caller ID Reputation (CIDR), and our latest episode is out now.

For this episode, the focus is on two recent FCC rulings to combat telecom fraud, one of which is specific to AI, where it poses a nightmarish threat to consumers if not nipped in the bud. I’m in conversation with Gerry Christensen, CIDR’s Head of Partnerships and Regulatory Compliance, and if you’re not current on this topic, I think you’ll find the podcast time well-spent - here’s the link to give it a listen.