Spring VON3 - Virtual Event Next Week - Web3, Creator Economy and Future of Communications

If you don’t know Jeff Pulver, then, well, that’s your homework. Nobody explores what’s next like Jeff, and all of a sudden, it’s VON3 next week. Apologies for not getting the word out sooner, but it’s a packed lineup, and all the details to register and attend are here on the event website. Hope to see you there!

I was part of the last VON3, which ran in January, and several of those speakers are back, along with many new faces. This time around, I’ll be speaking on three sessions, one for each day:

Monday - 3:30 PM - 3:45 PM - Workstream Collaboration: A New Approach to Serve the Modern Workforce, in conversation with JR Guerrieri, CEO of Nynja

 Tuesday - 3:40 PM - 4:10 PM - Future of Work, back again with long-time podcast partner Chris Fine, Founder & CEO, Integrative Technologies

 Wednesday - 3:40 PM - 4:05 PM - Voice in the Metaverse Roundtable, with Bret Kinsella, Founder & CEO of Voicebot.ai & Roger Kibbe & David Colleen, CEO SapientX