Impressions from Microsoft Ignite - Our BCStrategies Podcast

Been pretty busy lately with BCStrategies, where I’ve been a BC Expert for a long time. This is my third post this week regarding new content that I’ve been part of there, and if you haven’t visited the site lately, there’s lots of great content to explore.

This time around, it’s our latest podcast, where Kevin Kieller led a discussion to take in our thoughts about the recent Microsoft Ignite event. If you attended or read about it, you’ll know that Mesh was the big story, and in my mind this is a strong signal from Microsoft that the post-PC world is coming, and they’re going to be setting the pace.

Aside from contributing to the conversation here, I wrote up my own review with photos about Microsoft Ignite in an earlier BCStrategies post, and you can read that here. First, though, you should check out our podcast - here’s the link - and if you want to weigh in with your own takeaways, we’d love to hear from you.

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