Enterprise Connect Preview #2 - New Podcast: Interviewed by No Jitter

I can't tie up loose ends fast enough ahead of next week's Enterprise Connect in Orlando. Got back-to-back podcasts to share here that will help set the stage. Yesterday, I posted about our BCStrategies podcast, where we each did a brief preview of our talks and what to expect at the conference.

Today, I'll get more specific, with another podcast - this time, about my speech tutorial, which starts right at the beginning - 8am Monday. The interview was conducted by No Jitter's Beth Schultz, and we touched on the key themes I'll be addressing, along with why speech tech is getting really interesting now in the enterprise.

The podcast was just posted, and is titled "Talking Speech Tech for the Enterprise", and can be accessed here, on No Jitter's site, under the Podcasts tab. Small hurdle, though - you need to be registered with UBM to get it there. Just takes a moment to sign up, and then you're in. The benefit is you can then peruse all the other podcasts, and there's lots to choose from.

While you're on the No Jitter site, feel free to review this article I recently wrote about my session, and if you're planning to attend, here are the details.

Finally, if you just have to hear the No Jitter podcast NOW, and can't be bothered to register, here's a direct link. I also shared that link earlier on both twitter and Linkedin - and on that note, to follow the conference on social, the hash is #EC18, and I'm @arnoldjon.
