Next Stop - BroadSoft in Phoenix, then MoNage in Boston

Busy week ahead, with back-to-back conferences. On Monday, and for a bit of Tuesday, I'll be at BroadSoft Connections in Phoenix. I've been to several of their conferences in the past, but not recently, and am really looking forward to getting back. BroadSoft has really hit critical mass now, and I'm certain 2018 will be the year they decide whether to keep building on their momentum, or take an exit. Other players are in the same boat, and am sure the playing field will be smaller by this time next year.

I'll be dashing from Connections on Tuesday to Boston for Jeff Pulver's next MoNage event, where I'll be speaking along with Chris Fine on Wednesday morning. Just finishing up our presentation now.

As time allows, I'll be tweeting throughout the week, and for more details, please check the Events Calendar section of my website.

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Monage 2017.png